Sometimes it can be a little confusing to know which coupons you can use and where. So it's important to make sure you read what's on the actual coupon, and not let a logo, or even words trick you! For instance, this coupon here has the big Family Dollar Logo on it, but nowhere on this coupon does it say that you can only use it at Family Dollar.
If it says Manufacturer Coupon at the very top, then you can use it anywhere that accepts coupons, unless it specifically says that you can only use it at a certain location. In the case above, it is simply an advertisement to let you know that you can purchase the Tyson chicken at Family Dollar. Below is another common example of store advertising on a coupon:
Once again, it is simply showing that the item is available at Wal-Mart, but since it doesn't say "Redeemable only at Wal-Mart", you can use it anywhere that accepts coupons.
So just look carefully at what the coupon actually says, and don't make assumptions!!! Also, be patient with the cashiers. Sometimes they get a little confused. . .
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