Sunday, March 3, 2013

Best Bang for your Buck: Sale Combinations

In looking at the sales papers in today's Newspaper, I found that quite a few of my favorite places are running sales on one of my favorite products: Charmin Toilet Paper! So here are the different deals, and how I'm deciding where to purchase!


16 Ultra Strong or Ultra Soft Double Rolls (equivalent to 32 Regular Rolls)  - $9.99
Buy 2 @ $9.99 = $19.98
Use $1/2 Manufacturer Coupon (from a box of Tampax Tampons)
Pay $18.98
*I have the Savingstar coupon for $5 off any $20 purchase of Charmin/Frebreeze/Mr.Clean saved to my account, and I only have about $12 more needed to reach the $20 goal. So this gets me to that amount and triggers my $5 in savings. 
Net Spent: $13.98 

That makes each regular size roll about $.21 - which is below my goal of $.25/roll!


Spend $40 on anything on pages 10-11 in the sales paper (click here), and get $10 off!
There are LOTS of ways to work this Target deal. So a lot depends on what you use, and what you have coupons for. Since I'm focusing on Charmin, I'm going to use that as my "base".

Buy (2) 16 Mega Roll Packages (equivalent to 128 regular rolls) @ $15.99 = $29.98
Buy (1) Cascade 43 count Platinum Action Packs @ $10.99
Use $1/2 Manufacturer Coupon for Charmin (from a box of Tampax Tampons)
Use $.50/1 Cascade Coupon 
Get $10.00 off purchase
Use your Redcard and get 5% off = $1.47
Pay $28
*If you completely ignore the Cascade purchase and just divide the total paid by 128 rolls of regular TP, it comes out to $.21/roll. So not only do you get a fabulous deal on TP, you get a bucket of Cascade Platinum Action packs!

There are a lot of possibilities for stacking with this deal because there are coupons for Viva paper towels, ziplock baggies, and Kleenex on the Target Site that you can pair (stack) with manufacturer coupons that were in today's paper! Leave a comment on how you plan to work this deal!


Getting confused with all the steps? Walgreens has a pretty simple, straight-forward deal this week that won't leave you with TP coming out your ears!!! 

Buy (2) Ultra-Strong 6-pack Double Rolls (equivalent to 12 regular rolls) @ $3.99 each = $7.98
Use $1/2 Manufacturer Coupon (from a box of Tampax Tampons)
Pay $6.98 
Plus get 750 Balance Rewards Points (monetary equivalent to $.75)

*Makes each regular size roll about $.25 - which is still a good deal, especially considering that you only need one coupon to do this! 

If you don't have the $1/2 coupon that came in the box of tampons, there was a $.25/1 coupon in today's P&G insert; so you could just use 2 of those instead. Given the fabulous deal that Target has, I don't think I have any other choice but to go there!!!! :-) Happy Shopping!


  1. I don't NEED toilet paper but I'm probably going to pick some up at Target this week. Our Charmin stack is going to be sky-high again (no seriously, it often reaches the ceiling). Gotta love a good deal!

  2. For your readers who might not have seen the Target ad, text SPRINGCLEAN to 827438 for the $10 off $40 Target coupon.
